How to Make a New Page

All pages on this site are contained in the folder _pages/. To make a new page, you simply create a new Markdown (.md) file in the _pages/ directory with the following YAML Front Matter:

layout: page
title: Page Title
# Optional. Only include to mark it as 'false' in which case the page content will not be wrapped in container and page-content divs. For an example, see the events page
continer: false
# Optional. The following will produce (shown here in Markdown) a list of "quick links" at the top of the page below the banner. It will be formatted as:
# **Quick Links**: [My Title 1](/my/url/1), [My Title 2](/my/url/2)
- title: My Title 1
  url: /my/url/1
- title: My Title 2
  url: /my/url/2
# Optional: Replaces the blue banner behind the page title on the rendered page with the provided image
# assumed location is /assets/img/featured-images/my-image.jpg
featured-img: ny-image.jpg

All pages are pushed through the page template, which can be found in _layouts/page.html. You can modify the page layout to modify how all pages appear on this site. You can add new YAML Front Matter variables to pages and access them in the page layout using page.variable-name (as is done using the container variable).

The directory structure of _pages/ determines the URLs that each pages has. This is set in _config.yml where under collections, pages the permalink variable is set to /:path/. For example, if you have a file _pages/my-dir/my-dir-2/, it will have the URL associated with it. This behavior can be referenced in these Jekyll docs.