How to Edit Site JavaScript

To brush up on JavaScript, see here.

How the site JavaScript works

Most of the JavaScript crucial to this site come pre-bundled with the Sleek theme and is stored in assets/js/bundle.js. JavaScript that we made on top of that is found in assets/js/user.bundle.js.

The JavaScript found in user.bundle.js is a bundled and minified version of the individual scripts found in the _js/ folder. The Python script found in the root directory, takes these individual scripts, runs them through the Python package slimit for minification and then spits it all out into assets/js/user.bundle.js.

Adding your own JavaScript

To add your own JavaScript, create a new JavaScript file in the _js/ folder. For example, you might create the file _js/my-javascript.js. You can add any JavaScript you’d like to this file, as long as the functions and global variables you declare do no conflict with any found in the other files in the _js/ folder.

Once you are ready to test your new JavaScript, simply open a new command line shell, change directory to the website folder, and run the Python program using

$ python

Your JavaScript should be succesfully bundled into assets/js/user.bundle.js.

Where the JavaScript is located in HTML

The JavaScript is loaded in the footer of the site (see _includes/footer.html). This is because when your browser hits a line in the page HTML telling it to load a JavaScript file, it stops loading anything below it until the file loads. Putting the JavaScript load commands in the footer of the site allows the rest of the site to continue loadin while the JavaScript loads since the footer is at the bottom of the page.