Courses Page

This page makes extensive use of our custom collabsible elements. It would be helpful to make yourself familiar with them here.

To add a new course, follow the structure of the HTML on that page (copy and paste one of them). For example, this is one of them:

<div class="collapse-list-wrapper4phys1710"
    <div class="collapse-list-heading collapsed"
        <i class="arrow h2arrow"></i>
        <h2> Intro Physics 1: PHYS 1710 </h2>
    <div class="collapse-list-target collapse"
        This is often the first physics class someone will take when they begin the physics major at UVA. It is a calculus based introduction that covers the following topics: kinematics, mechanics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, and simple harmonic motion. This class is 5 credit course (4 credit lecture) and includes a 1 credit discussion session. 
        The standard text is <a href=""> Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Giancoli, 4th edtion</a>
        You can expect to cover chapters 1-21 
        Prerequisite: Calculus 1 (MATH 1310) 

The course title is captured in the <h2> tags, “Intro Phyics I: PHYS 1910”, and the content relevant to that course is captured in the <div> with id="1710". You could copy-paste the above, and change the course title and course content for the new course you’d like to include.