
Documentation is stored in the _docs/ folder of this site’s source. Adding new documentation requires two steps: 1) creating the new documentation page, and 2) adding it to the navigation bar present on any documentation page.

Step 1

To create new documentation, simply make a new .md file in the _docs/ folder of this site with the following YAML Front Matter:

# file:
# see _layouts/docs.html
layout: docs
# The title that appears at the top of the documentation page
title: "Title of Page"
# The title that appears in the documentation navigation bar
doc-tite: "Title in Nav"
# Optional: A list of files referenced within your documentation page. This list will be added and rendered as links to the source files on GitHub at the top of the documentation page. This allows, for example, quick referencing of what files should be editted to manage a certain page.
# will render a link to
- "_data/data-file-1.yaml"
# will render a link to
- "_pages/"

To continue to step (2), you will need to note the URL that your new documentation will be located at. This URL will depend on where in the _docs/ folder you’ve created the new page. For example, if this page is created in the folder my-folder at the location _docs/my-folder/ then this is will generate a URL on the site of /docs/my-folder/my-new-page/index.html or equivalently /docs/my-folder/my-new-page/. You will use this URL to create an entry in the nagivation bar that points to your new page in step (2).

Step 2

Note the URL of the documentation you’ve created. Navigate to the file _data/docs/docs-nav.yaml. This file specifies the layout of the navigation bar present on the left of each documentation page. This file has the structure

# file: _data/docs/docs-nav.yaml
# a list of documentation categories, each of which has a header and a set of items that are navigable under that category
- header: "Header Name"
  # each navigable item has a title and url to point to
  - title: "Title in Nav"
    # the url of your new page
    url: "/docs/my-folder/my-new-page/"

If you are creating documentation under an existing category, e.g. “Pages”, then you would add a new item to the nav-items list under the section with header equal to Pages. For example:

# file: _data/docs/docs-nav.yaml
- header: "Pages"
  - title: "Title in Nav"
    url: "/docs/my-folder/my-new-page/"

The navigation bar layout will respect the ordering of the nav-items list, so if you want your new page to appear first under the “PAGES” heading in the navigation bar, then place it first in the nav-items list.

If you are creating documentation under a new cateogry, e.g. “My New Category”, then you would create a new item under the categories list that has a header field equal to “My New Category”. For example:

# file: _data/docs/docs-nav.yaml
- header: "My New Category"
  - title: "Title in Nav"
    url: "/docs/my-folder/my-new-page/"

Similarly to the nav-items list, the navigation bar layout will respect the order of the categories list. If you’d like your new category and documentation to appear first in the list in the navigation bar, you would place it at the top of the categories list.