Events Page

The events page is constructed from the file _pages/ This file contains the following HTML:

<section class="blog">
<div class="container">
    <div class="post-list" itemscope="" itemtype="">
    {% for post in site.posts %}
        {% include card.html %}
    {% endfor %}

We can see this uses Liquid code (a for-loop and include statemment) to generate the full events page from the bare-bones HTML above. For each item in the collection site.posts, we will include an HTML snipped from _includes/card.html. The collection site.posts is generated from the contents of the _posts/ directory in this site’s source code. See here for more information about making new posts / events.

Each post in _posts/ will be rendered into a “card” on this events page. To change the behavior or look of these cards, edit the source at _includes/card.html. Within that HTML snippet, you will see references to the Liquid object post, such as post.categories or post.featured-img. These grab information from the YAML front matter of the individual post being included. You can access other values from each post’s front matter by using post.your_variable_name and including your_variable_name: you_variable_value in a new post front matter. If you make such a change, ensure that you have a check for if this variable is not-defined in _includes/card.html, as there are dozens of posts already made that won’t have your new variable.