12 students from our chapter traveled to Columbus, Ohio to attend the APS April Meeting and present posters on their research. Funding of the trip was graciously provided by the Society of Physics Students Travel and Reporter Awards. We were able to achieve full funding by combinining our Travel and Reporter Awards with supplemental funding from our Physics and Astronomy departments.
A list of presenters and abstracts follows:
- Jiwon Han and Gage DeZoort: Microscopic Black Holes in the Large Hadron Collider [link]
- Steven Stetzler, Nick Clifford, Shelby Laychak, Robin Leichtnam, Levi Schult, and Morgan Waddy: Pulsar Timing for Undergraduates: Research Meets Outreach [link]
- Victoria Kovalchuk: Sub-Angstrom Resolution X-Ray Imaging of Correlated Disorder in Crystals [link]
- Aaron Winn, Andrew Jiao, Matt Walker, John Maier, and Juan Velasco: Bilayer Graphene [link]
Per the terms of our reporter award, we interviewed several people to get their perspective on the meeting and to get advice for undergraduates. The audio and video recordings of those interviews can be found here. Our entire report, written by our SPS reporters Morgan Waddy, Matt Walker, and Levi Schult can be found here.
Interviews at APS

SPS reporters conducted interviews with Katie Chamberlain (top left), Brad Conrad (top center), plenary speaker Anne Archibald (top right), Matthew Evans (bottom left), and Nico Yunes (bottom right).