SPS Holds Elections

 · 1 min read

In the words of the great Chaucer, “all good things must come to an end.” And so it is that time of the year where the responsibilities and duties of SPS exec changes hands, and a new generation of leaders and thinkers steps into their roles. Yesterday SPS held elections for the open positions of the exec board and the new officers of Sigma Pi Sigma. After all the votes had be cast, and the yay’s and nay’s counted, we announced who would be in charge of the future of SPS here at UVA. While I will not post the results here, you can find them over on the “Who We Are” tab once the new webmaster has updated the page.

I really enjoyed my time on SPS exec, and when I took on the role of webmaster I underestimated how much time I would be investing not only into the website, but also into SPS and our department. This website somewhat represents my dedication not only to SPS, but to physics and science as a whole. I hope that future students find it beneficial in their time here at UVA, and I invite them to please offer your feedback and suggestions to the webmaster who is currently serving on the exec board. This website has a vast array of resources and I encourage students to take advantage of it.

Signing off for the last time,

-Matt W. Class of 2018

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vote for pedrom.