The Seventh Annual Undergraduate Physics Research Symposium was held on November 3, 2017 in the Rotunda in the West Oval Room from 1-4. Six undergraduates gave oral presentations of their physics and astronomy-related research at the event. There were also 3 posters. Topics presented are as follows:
- Martine Lokken: A Comparison of Galaxy Bulge+Disk Decomposition between Pan-STARRS and SDSS
- Ricky Elwell: A New Strangeness Fit to World Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Data
- Matt Walker and Andrew Jiao: Chiral Modes in Bilayer Graphene
- Brian Seymour: Characterization of Nonlinear Angular Noise Coupling into Differential Arm Length of the LIGO - Livingston Detector
- Ben Hillman: Micromagnetic Simulations of Magnetic Skyrmions
- Michael Worcester: Optimizing Geometries in a Polarized Targets Study
Abstracts for all presentations can be found here. Prizes were given to the best three presenters and top three posters. We would like to congratulate the following students for their outstanding performance:
- 1st place: Martine Lokken
- 2nd place: Matt Walker and Andrew Jiao
- 3rd place: Ben Hillman
- 1st place: Pedrom Zadeh and Peter Farris
- 2nd place: Gage DeZoort and Jesse Han
- 3rd place: Andrew Orvedahl
We would also like to give special thanks to Profs. Group, Paschke, Davis, and Vucelja. We would like to thank the Physics and Astronomy Departments for support for prizes, and the College Councel for support for lunch.
Pictures from the Event

Several students present their poster at the symposium.